`Animals have no unconscious, because they have a territory. Men have only had an unconscious since they lost a territory' (Jean Baudrillard)
On The Threshold of Herself1/2/2025 SHE WRITES TO ME ABOUT the experience of being in several places when she is walking through a city. The physical space, but also the overlapping spaces of dreams, memories, and desires. She observes that the possibilities of any city are infinite, often frightening in the variety of combinations they present.
SHE SENDS ME A PHOTOGRAPH ON THE THRESHOLD OF HERSELF , about to become someone else, someone other. Do all the borders crossed cancel us out, reducing us to zero? Subject: Γ. Π., West End, London, 2024. Original analogue black and white source photograph by @jamescliffordkent, digitally edited, processed, and colorised by Γ. Π.)